Le Point Lumineux, a globe-trotting company from Besançon

The Internet newspaper “Ma Commune Info” has written a very nice article about the activity of the agency Le Point Lumineux. This article is in the “Besançon Economie” section. “Le Point Lumineux, a globetrotting company from Besançon Established in Besançon since 2007, “Le Point Lumineux” has an established reputation… In addition to France, it has […]
the Saltworks takes on light in relief

The architectural illumination of the Saline Royale d’Arc & Senans (Doubs, France) was handed over in the presence of the client. A few final adjustments remain to be made, but the results are already satisfactory. The Saline Royale d’Arc & Senans has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1982. The installation will be finally […]
Lighting up the Château de Belvoir

The Le Point Lumineux agency in Besançon has finalized the settings for the lighting installation at the Château de Belvoir (25). All we need to do now is program the lighting on and off scenarios. The client was passionate about the project, and the company was committed to the achievement. This project was a great […]
Official inauguration of the Arc and Senans Saline light setting

Friday December 20, 2023 saw the official inauguration of the architectural illumination of the Saline Royale d’Arc & Senans, in the Doubs region of France. We were invited by the project owner to present the now-completed illumination project. Tonight, at the Saline, the light is shining, and we’re delighted. Thank you all for your confidence […]
Article – Lumiere – published in December 2023

The project to illuminate the Saline Royale d’Arc & Senans, designed by the Point Lumineux agency, is featured in issue 45 of “Lumières” magazine, and we’re delighted. Thank you to Isabelle Arnaud, the magazine’s editor-in-chief, for our conversations on the subject of lighting the Royal Salt Works of Arc & Senans! Thank you, Isabelle.
Light test in Arc and Senans

The lighting of the Saline is designed to highlight the different buildings. They will therefore be highlighted by projectors generally recessed into the ground diffusing intermediate white light of 3000 K, with a CRI of 85/90. The lighting of the Saline is designed to highlight the various buildings listed as UNESCO world heritage sites since […]
Royal Saltworks of Arc and Senans

Le Point Lumineux agency carried out the lighting of the Royal Saltworks of Arc & Senans, in Doubs. The first reception took place on November 3, 2023, in the presence of the Project Owner. It is a project that fascinated us because the lighting of these buildings designed by the architect Claude-Nicolas Ledoux, under the […]
Castle of Belvoir

Le Point Lumineux agency finally completes the lighting of the Belvoir castle, in Doubs. A first official reception took place on November 3, 2023, in the presence of the Project Owner and numerous guests. This is a project that interested us a lot because this castle had not been developed for many years. This castle […]
Article in — Light ZOOM Lumière — published on september 27, 2022

Vincent Laganier, Editor-in-Chief of Light ZOOM Lumière offers us this article. This one tells an interview about Thierry Walger’s career. Here is a link to this article: “Thierry Walger : from electricity to light design” [galerie]
Article in — Light ZOOM Lumière — published on october 10, 2022

In this article, Vincent Laganier questions Thierry Walger on his agency as well as the key projects of light conceptions already realized. To read the whole article : “Le Point Lumineux, lighting design agency in Besançon“
Article in — Light ZOOM Lumière — published on october 17, 2022

Vincent Laganier questions in his article Thierry Walger on the culture of the light in the Arab countries. As the agency makes 80% of its turnover abroad, travel is inevitable. . . To read the article, here is the link : “Culture of light in Arab countries“
Article of the newspaper l’Est Républicain of December 18, 2021
We are happy to read this article from the newspaper “l‘Est Républicain” published today concerning the Illumination of the bridge of Chenecey-Buillon (25). We thank the newspaper for writing this article.
Article of the newspaper l’Est Républicain of July 9, 2022.
The newspaper l’Est Républicain published in its issue of July 9, 2022, an article relating the highlighting of the Château de Belvoir. The agency Le Point Lumineux is leading this project with an involved contractor and . . . it’s a pleasure to work under these conditions !
The newspaper l’Est Républicain published in its issue of July 9, 2022, an article relating the highlighting of the Château de Belvoir. The agency Le Point Lumineux is leading this project with an involved contractor and . . . it‘s a pleasure to work under these conditions !
Article of the newspaper l’Est Républicain of August 08, 2022.
Here is an article written by the newspaper l‘Est Républicain on 08. 08. 2022. The journalist and the photographer took the time to ask us some good questions and . . . to get to know each other. The activity of “Conception Lumière” wasn’t known to them. Thanks to Philippe Sauter and Ludovic Laude. Thank […]
Conference at Xavier Marmier high school

The april 15th. 2022, Thierry hold a conference about light at Xavier Marmier high school, in Pontarlier (25). He received a good welcome by teachers and students … Thanks ! [galerie]
Lighting to enhance the bridge over the Loue

Published in L’Est Républicain on December 18, 2021. [galerie]

Le Point Lumineux wishes you a happy new year ! [galerie]
Congress for 20th Anniversary of ACE

September 8, 2016, Thierry hold a conference during the anniversary of the ACE association. [galerie]
Rabat architecture school congress

Thierry held conference in Rabat architecture school to talk about lights with the students. [galerie]
OnlyLight – Lyon

We took part to OnlyLight congress in Lyon. [galerie]
AFE congress

Thierry held conference in Lyon for AFE. [galerie]
Guebwiller – Event light

The october 23st 2015, Thierry led a congress in Alsace. [galerie]
New lights for Saint Thomas church

Our project of Saint Thomas lights appears in LUCI ! [galerie]
Le point lumineux turns on the light on fountain gardens

Highlight gardens publication in Id Efficience Territoriale. [galerie]
Saint Thomas came into light at it’s turn

Last publication in DNA speaking about Saint Thomas church highlighting. [galerie]
A simple and adjustable lighting

DNA publication about St Thomas church lights in Strasbourg. [galerie]
Ornans, Loue and light at Courbet’s land

Publication in Id Efficience Territoriale speaking about Loue banks highlighting. [galerie]
Landscape highlighting

Publication about garden highlighting in Nîmes. [galerie]
Fiat lux !

Vivre Nimes publication speaking of garden highlighting. [galerie]
Without disturbing the inhabitants

Lux n°285 publication about Saint Etienne square in Strasbourg. [galerie]
AFE 2016 Trophy

Id Efficience Territoriale publication about innovative light trophies. [galerie]
All in the river

Licht publication about Loue highlight. [galerie]
Sparkles in the river

Doubs Mag publication about Loue highlighting. [galerie]
New lights from Besançon

Lux n°288 publication about Chamber of commerce and industry. [galerie]
2016 AFE trophy

Id Efficience Territoriale publication about AFE’s trophies. [galerie]
Franche glow

Mondo Arc publication about Loue’s bank highlighting. [galerie]
Light in Courbet’s land

Lux n°281 publication about light Loue’s waterside. [galerie]
Light visit on waterside

Est Républicain publication about Loue highlighting. [galerie]
Urbath of youth

Publication in Archives magazine for Chambéry highlighting. [galerie]
Necklaces of sapphires, rivers of diamonds

LUX n°276 publication for Viaduc highlighting. [galerie]
Follow Le point lumineux

Ensembles publication for Moulins highlighting. [galerie]
Night Walk by the waterside, Ornans

LEC press release. [galerie]
2021 !

The whole team of Le Point Lumineux wishes you a happy and succesfull year. [galerie]